Welcome! Glad you have made your way to Daearen.org.
What is Daearen?
Deaeren means Earth in Celtic and Welsh and it is a different Earth in Daearen. The Daearen Realms is a series of books in the fantasy world created by me, Emmy Gatrell.
As you read the series you will be exposed the Realms of Daearen. The first book is Meanmna, according to Scottish Gaelic-English Dictionary is spirit, morale and courage. All three of the attributes of Meanmna will be needed for Sarette to finish her journey in the Daearen Realms. Meanmna is the story of the Spirit Realm.
If you are looking for conversation and staying in touch, I’ve decided that Facebook wins! A stay at home mom can only manage so many websites, so I’ve decided facebook and Amazon is it, so I’ll see you @ www.facebook.com/emmygatrell
on Amazon.
The reviews are coming in for Meanmna. Many thanks. Here are some the comments to date:
“Emmy Gatrell takes us into a wonderful world of intrigue and a little magic.”
“I finished reading it in one day and loved it.”
“The fast-paced story is intriguing, the characters are well developed, and there’s a love story to boot!”
“The fantasy world created by the author was well described in rich detail”
“The end leaves the right amount resolved and open. Looking forward to the next one.”
Check out the amazon page for Meanmna for the latest reviews or just to buy a copy.
Thanks for everyone’s continued interest and feedback. Back to working on book two, more than half way there I think.