
Emmy is a stay-at-home mom and writer. She grew up in Metro-Detroit and went to college Adrian, Michigan. After spending more than a decade in Georgia with her husband, two kids, and dogs, she decided it was still too cold for her and now splits her time between the US and Costa Rica. She loves to read, write, Zumba, travel, and spend time with her family. Emmy’s love of her roots and of travel comes out in her writing as she creates a new universe in the Daearen Realms.

Emmy has published the first two books of six in the Daearen Realm series; Meanmna and Bienn-Theine and is currently writing book three, Eitlean. Her first book, Meanmna: Book One of the Daearen Realms ranked sixth on Amazon’s Best Sellers Teen & Young Adult Coming of Age Fantasy ebooks.



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Emmy Gatrell